Blog Posts

Success in 12 Months: What Could You Live Without?

piggy bank on moneyWelcome to the third week of Month 11 in the “Success in 12 Months” blog series! This month, our focus has been on the emotional hot-button issue of money.

Last week’s assignment, which had you tracking expenses and comparing them to your income, should have been an eye opener. Congratulations on completing that exercise. I know it was probably tedious and maybe even painful.

At the end of the exercise, you should have had a good idea if you’re spending more than you earn. You also identified items that were “wants” and not “needs,” which really weren’t necessary and could be eliminated or reduced.

Perhaps it was the morning coffee purchased at Dunkin Donuts or something similar.

This week, you’re going to identify a few of these “want” buys that you can live without.

In some cases, I’ve seen people get rid of television, some people get rid of an extra bike or RV or something that they really didn’t need and it freed up all kinds of cash for them to do something that was more in line with their goals, with a Success in a Year Program like this.

If you have some kind of toy that really isn’t serving that much of a purpose in your life and the money invested in that thing could be directed to making you happier or more fulfilled or building a bigger vision or growing your vision, then why not consider doing that?

Why not consider letting go of that thing that you are holding onto that really isn’t giving you that much benefit in the long run?

Think about those things and really go with the idea that you could do without them.

You don’t have to deny yourself these items – yet! For now, just document the ones you feel you can eliminate.

That’s it for this week. We’ll take this further next week.

As I always say, share your thoughts and your progress, leave a comment below or e-mail me and let me know what’s been happening for you. I’m investing in you and want to support you in your success!

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