Blog Posts

Consulting the Cards: The Contract

If you’ve been following my personal blog these days, you’ve noticed I’ve been sharing my experiences reading with a new (well, new to me, that is) deck of cards: the Lenormand Oracle.

And, as a result—just like with my posts that feature Tarot and playing card readings—I’ve been getting mail asking for readings with these cards.

Case in point: I was recently contacted by a follower of my blogs, Claire, who submitted this request…

Hi, James,

I’ve been checking out your blog posts where you’re reading with the Lenormand, and I’ve found them interesting.

I know you ask for submissions from readers for your card reading columns, and I’d like to request a reading using those new cards of yours.

Here’s my situation: I’m a teacher, and I am under contract. My contract is up for renewal, as it has been this time every year for the past 11 years. Normally by now, I would know that my contract is getting renewed, but this time it’s been different…no one seems to be willing to give me an answer. I admit that I’m starting to get a bit worried.

So, my question is, Will my contract be renewed?

Thanks so much for all you do,


Thank you so much, Claire, for reading the blog and sharing your situation with me to consult with the Lenormand.

The Ring-Gilded Reverie LenormandI’m going to draw three cards from the Gilded Reverie Lenormand, by Ciro Marchetti, to answer this question about your contract.

Since we know that the topic of the reading is your teaching contract, I’m going to use The Ring card from the deck as the focus card. One of the meanings of this card is a contract.

I shuffled the deck, and then turned the deck face-up, going through the cards until I came to The Ring. Once I found the card, I removed it, along with the card that came before it and the card that followed it. These cards will form your three-card reading.

Here are your cards: The Lilies, The Ring, and The Fish.

Lenormand Reading-Contract for Claire
The Lenormand reading for Claire: The Lilies, The Ring, and The Fish, from the Gilded Reverie Lenormand by Ciro Marchetti.

Lilies and Ring-Gilded Reverie LenormandAs I said, The Ring, being the middle card, is the focus card, saying this is the central issue of the reading, which is the contract.

The Lilies can reflect the past. The Lilies, for me, can represent experience, which goes along with the fact that you’ve been doing this work for the past 11 years. Combining this card with The Ring, it reinforces an experience (Lilies) that is cyclical, as The Ring can also indicate cycles.

The pairing can be read as experience (Lilies) that leads to a contract (Ring).

Ring and Fish-Gilded Reverie LenormandThe Fish, on the other side of The Ring, is a card that suggests money in your future, as this is a card of money and finances. Paired with The Ring, the combination could be read as a contract (Ring) that leads to money (Fish).

I’m looking at the card, noting there are multiple fish swimming in the image. It makes me think of the expression “a school of fish,” emphasizing school because you’re a teacher.

So, I see these cards as a positive indication that your contract will be renewed.

There are a couple of things I can do here to offer us some additional information about this situation.

The Storks-Gilded Reverie LenormandFirst, I can take the numbers on the cards, adding them together to find out what the Essence card is. Adding 30 + 25 + 34 we get 89; 8 + 9 = 17 (because we need a number between 1 and 36, as there are 36 cards in the Lenormand deck). Card 17 is The Storks.

The Storks can indicate change and improvement, and a new development. Again I see this as a positive sign that your contract will be renewed—and perhaps some of the terms of the new contract will be an improvement from previous contracts (like maybe more money, since The Fish was the last card in the line of three).

The other thing I can do is to use the playing card insets to offer you some final advice.

The Letter-Gilded Reverie LenormandAdding the numbers of the playing cards, we have 13 (King of Spades) + 1 (Ace of Clubs) + 13 (King of Diamonds), which add to 27. Card 27 is The Letter.

The Letter is a card that indicates news and messages, as well as paperwork and documents–something in writing. And a contract is a document. This card is another positive indication that your contract will be renewed.

I hope this reading has been helpful and insightful for you, Claire. Please circle back and let me know how things turn out—I’d love to hear all about it.

And I hope you enjoyed seeing the process of how I read and consult with the Lenormand. If you are interested in having your own consultation appear in this space, send your submission to with Consulting the Cards in the subject line.

Your card-carrying consultant,

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