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LoA Basics: How to Work with the Law of Attraction for a Better Life

working with the LoAFeelings and thoughts are nothing without action. If you want the Law of Attraction to work for you, you have to act in a way that makes the things you want to happen, happen!

So let’s look at a few examples in some common areas where the Law of Attraction is applied.

Using the Law of Attraction (LoA) to get a more satisfying career requires you to first stop the negative feelings and thoughts about your current job situation. When your focus is on that, it can’t be on the career that you DO want.

Next, start using positive affirmations that beef up your qualifications and enthusiasm for the job you will have. Start waking up each day thinking, “I am getting a new job!” and take action steps to make that happen.

That might be enrolling in training or classes, submitting your resume, or coming up with innovative ways to get human resources to take an interest in you. When you’re taking action, you’ll be one step closer to making it a reality.

Using the LoA to get something tangible is slightly different. You may not have negative thoughts, unless you’re focusing on something you own that isn’t as good as the upgrade you’re seeking. (For example, being frustrated with an old computer 24/7 instead of concentrating on the new one you’re getting).

Start getting excited about your new purchase and make as many plans as you can at this time. Visit stores, look for deals, count the cash you’re saving up for it. Learn as much as you can to savor the experience of getting this tangible luxury in your life.

Using the LoA to find true love works, too! Stop living in the past with past romances gone wrong. That’s over and done with – time to move forward with a full focus on the love of your life you’re currently getting.

Use positive affirmations to help where you’re lacking. Perhaps you lack self-confidence. Positive affirmations such as, “I am a kind and loving person” can help replace those worthless thoughts.

Take action steps to help the universe deliver on your dreams. Put yourself out there unafraid – without doubts. Know that the more exposure you give yourself to the dating world, the more you increase your chances of success.

Using the LoA to gain wealth works when you stop harping on how broke you are and start focusing on every bit of wealth that you’re building. Action steps might include leveling up in your job, whittling down your debt and living frugally for awhile, or selling off needless items to contribute to your wealth building strategy.

Using the LoA to lose weight is what some people do. They start by letting go of past weight loss failures. You can’t go into this expecting to quit. Use positive affirmations that celebrate your weight loss journey and implement action steps that help you shed pounds.

For example, say things like, “I am a healthy eater,” and then shop for foods that reflect that new reality. Don’t get downtrodden about slow weight loss or plateaus – focus on the positive progress that you’re showing.

Using the Law of Attraction is something that works in almost any situation. It’s good for men and women, adults and children. This is a process where you change your way of thinking to change the outcome of your life, and it takes practice, but once you learn how to do it, anything can be yours!

And this brings my series on the basics of the Law of Attraction to a close. I would love to hear from you about how you are applying the LoA to your life and the outcomes you want to achieve. Share your thoughts and experiences with me in the comments section below!

Your partner in working with the Law,


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