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Crossroads, Choices, and Commitments

Open Your Heart, from the Guardian Angel Tarot. This card is traditionally known as "The Lovers"--and also as "The Choice."
Open Your Heart, from the Guardian Angel Tarot. This card is traditionally known as “The Lovers”–and also as “The Choice.”

When our Tarot card for today, Open Your Heart, comes to you, its message is for you to make choices from the heart.

This card, known traditionally as “The Lovers,” is also called “The Choice.” This card can suggest you are at a crossroads in your life, and now you are faced with having to make some major life choices. This card encourages you to use both your head (the man) and your heart (the woman) in your decision-making process (they go “hand-in hand”).

Some of those choices may involve commitments. Who and what are you committing yourself to–and why?

Open Your Heart is numbered 6; 6 is a number that represents balance, so be sure that you are not over-committing, and allowing yourself to become a slave to the needs of others. When we choose to become a slave to the needs of others, we may convince ourselves that we are doing so from a place of love for them.

But is it truly?

And are we being loving to ourselves?

When we over-commit, we can tend to take on more responsibility than we need to, and allow other people to not step up and assume more than they have been (the 6 is also a number of responsibility).

We might want to consider getting to the root of why we take on more than we need to—because it has served and supported us to do so. But once we understand the “why” of making that choice, we can choose again.

And when we choose again, we can do so with the knowing and understanding that we are choosing from a place of love—love for others, and love for ourselves.

Your partner in being able to choose again,


If you’d like to know more about my work with Tarot–and how it can help you with your choices at the crossroads of your life–please visit my Tarot Consultations page to get all the details.

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