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Today’s Tarot: What Seeds Are You Sowing?

The 3 of Wands, from the Law of Attraction Tarot.
The 3 of Wands, from the Law of Attraction Tarot.

When our Tarot card for today, the 3 of Wands (from the Law of Attraction Tarot) takes root in your field, its message is of development. It is a card that asks you to consider the energy you are putting out—and for what purpose.

The image on this card reminds me of the adage “you reap what you sow.” It also brings to mind the Parable of the Sower, from Christian Biblical texts. In that parable, the Master Teacher Jesus talks about the conditions of the soil in which we plant seeds, as that soil will have an effect on the harvest it yields.

That soil is our mental atmosphere, and the seeds represent new thought forms. Just as the oak tree comes from the acorn, we see the end result of the thought-seeds we plant, by using our creative power of imagination (the 3 is the number of creativity, and creativity comes from our imaging faculty).

But, the mental atmosphere that we plant those new thought-seeds plays a great part in the process. Is the soil rich and fertile—or is stony or full of weeds and thorns? Are we tending to the gardens of our mental atmosphere by clearing out those thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that are no longer producing results (again, a nod to the 3)—or are we allowing any new thoughts and ideas to get choked up and overtaken by those old beliefs—and then wonder why they are not producing the results we want?

So, for today, consider the things you would like to produce in your life. What new thought-seeds would you need to plant? And take a moment to check the grounds you would be planting those seeds—are the conditions right to reap the harvest you would be sowing for?

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