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Weekly Affirmation Card for January 23rd – 29th

For me, the image of “I am divinely supported” brings to mind my first angelic experience. It happened in a dream: I’m hovering in the air (much like the woman in the image); surrounding me are three long beams of light, each one a different color. The lights “tell” me they are angels, and that they will always be near me when needed. ⁣

No matter what goes on in my life, or whenever my faith in the Divine starts to waver, I always come back to this experience, with the knowing and understanding (from this and later experiences) that angels exist. ⁣

That’s the message I want to convey with this card. If you believe in angels (because I’m not here to convince, evangelize, or proselytize), when this card appears, it encourages you to pay attention to the ways that your angels communicate with you specifically (because it is different from person to person). ⁣

For some, like me, it might be through dream visits and conversations (the angels really love this one with me). If so, pay close attention to the messages being offered during dreamtime. ⁣

In other forms of communications with the angels, some people find feathers (note the woman in the image is surrounded by angel feathers), which is a common way that I’ve heard angels send messages to people. Some people find coins, which is a message of abundance or that some positive “change” is coming. And some are given messages through numbers, seeing patterns and sequences of numbers in a recurring fashion (that’s a secondary way the angels like to message me).⁣ ⁣
⁣ ⁣
Whatever way these signs and synchronicities show up for you in your life, the message is the same: Your angels are always around you, offering you their support (in the forms of i
nsight and guidance) when needed.⁣ ⁣





Deck: The Re-Language Affirmation Oracle, a new deck in development by James Himm Mitchell.



  • La Troya Holloway

    Hello there, Mr. Mitchell, How are you? I would like to thank you for sending your newsletter; it is my first time receiving. I truly enjoy reading your articles. I follow you on Instagram.

    • James

      Hi, La Troya! Thank you for being a part of my e-mail community. I’m delighted that you enjoyed the article. I also appreciate you following me on Instagram. Posting the “Daily Divination” there has become one of the highlights of my day.

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