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Weekly Affirmation Card for February 27th – March 5th

When “My dreams provide valuable insights and guidance” turns up, one of its messages is to take time to ponder the messages of your nightly dreams. As a person who works with dreams regularly, my belief is that dreams are our own well of wisdom and their messages are designed to help heal and improve every aspect of our lives.⁣ ⁣ ⁣
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Another message of this card is to reflect on the waking dreams of your life. Consider this: What do you dream about for your life? What daydreams and fantasies do you lose yourself in? What possible messages do you think are in those daydreams and fantasies that you could apply to your life today—right now?⁣ ⁣ ⁣
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When “My dreams provide valuable insights and guidance” turns up, it’s not only asking what your sleeping and waking dreams are all about; it’s asking you, “What are you actively doing to make those dreams your reality?” In that sense, this card is encouraging you to believe in yourself – and to believe in your dreams.⁣ ⁣ ⁣
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For me, “My dreams provide valuable insights and guidance” is also a very spiritual and psychic card, as the bed being elevated can suggest a type of spiritual awakening. In this sense, it’s a card of prophecy, and one of its possibilities is precognitive dreaming, which is dreaming of future events prior to their happening. I experienced this phenomenon myself prior to picking up card reading. ⁣ ⁣

If that resonates with you, keep a dream journal of these experiences; doing so will allow you to know/understand your psychic symbology, as well as create a record of your precognitions (proof). ⁣It’s an exercise in understanding how you personally receive intuitive information and fosters your development.⁣ ⁣ ⁣

And finally, the bed on the card can also suggest it’s time to put an issue in your waking life to rest or “to bed.” ⁣





Deck: The Re-Language Affirmation Oracle by James Himm Mitchell.

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