Blog Posts

Success in 12 Months: Bouncing Back with Persistence

give up-strikethroughWelcome to the second week of Month 4 in our “Success in 12 Months” blog series. Our topic for this month is persistence, which we defined last week as the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people.

Nothing has more power in achieving success than persistence. It’s obvious, isn’t it? If you don’t persist, you quit. And if you quit, you don’t finish = you don’t succeed.

The good news is that persistence is actually a skill that you can learn and train.  The ability to bounce back from failure, and to power through obstacles can be strengthened through use. Persistence is intimately linked to motivation.

This month will be all about making ourselves more aware about the concept of persistence.

Your Second Exercise in Persistence

Last week, your exercise was to make a list of 10 times you’ve persevered and been successful, which was designed to help you to realize that you can do it again with any future obstacles.

Now, this week, I want you to make a list of 10 situations where you didn’t have the successful outcome you hoped for. The main takeaway here is…you survived just fine!

That’s it for this week. Next week, I will present your next exercise to help you power through with persistence. In the meantime, I invite you to share with me your progress throughout your program. Share your thoughts, insights, inspirations and results with me in the comments section below, or you can shoot me an e-mail and let me know what’s going on.

Your partner in persistence,


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