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James Himm Mitchell’s Simple Ways to Start Meditating

beginning to meditate

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Meditation can be confusing, and even intimidating, to some people. Meditation is an art form that dates back thousands of years. It is well-known for being a practice that monks and other religious people participated in.

Today, meditation is associated with many health benefits for the mind and the body, and because of this, meditation is  being used more widely. But people new to meditation often think and feel that it takes too much time–time they don’t have–to make  meditation a daily practice.

The best thing about meditating, though, is that it doesn’t require a lot of time. All you need is to set aside 20 minutes per day for this beneficial exercise.

Use the following steps to set up your own routine for meditating and aim for at least once, if not twice, per day.

Select a Time

You want to choose a time that is convenient for you. During this time period ensure that you will not be disturbed. You need to feel relaxed and your mind should be free of worry.

Many people enjoy meditating either as the sun comes up or goes down. If possible you could even meditate outside.

A Quiet Location

This is very important as you don’t want to have your spouse or children interrupt you. A quiet room in the house would work or even a secluded spot in your garden.

Your Position

You need to sit comfortably while meditating. While sitting cross legged, or in the lotus position, is recommended it is not always necessary. You can sit comfortably on a chair and still receive the same benefits.

Meditate Before Meals

If you eat a large meal you often feel tired and lethargic. This is why it is best to meditate before you eat. But, do not try and meditate if you are on the verge of getting really hungry, otherwise your concentration levels will be disrupted.

Warm Up

As with any type of exercise you want to warm up, even if you are just going to be sitting down. This helps to get your blood flowing to all areas of your body and your brain. Plus it helps to make you feel more alert and ready to meditate.


Just the act of smiling can help you feel more relaxed and comfortable. Remember you are going to learn how to relax and allow your mind to wander. Feeling happier is one easy way to make this happen.

Your Eyes

During the meditation process you will be sitting or standing with your eyes closed. When your 20 minutes are up you don’t want to rush to open your eyes.

Instead, give yourself plenty of time to become aware of your surroundings again. In the same way you don’t want to jump up and run for the phone! Allow your body to return to its conscious state again.

By following the above steps you can easily reap more benefits from your sessions. Remember that the more often you meditate, the easier the entire process will be for you.

Your partner in practicing the art of meditation,


For more articles on wellness and your personal well-being, you’ll find them under the Wellness category in my blog archives.

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