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Law of Attraction Basics: Living the Life That You Want

Working with the Law of Attraction will cause you to really begin to look at the way you are living—and talking about—your life (both consciously and unconsciously).

Are you living the life you want? Living the life that you want requires you to live the experience as it’s happening. You’re not planning for a new car, you’re getting one. Now, you’re shopping, researching, saving, and making arrangements to buy one.

So you don’t use language like, “I plan to get a new car within a year.” While it might be a step up from using negative language, it’s still a hindrance. It delays your actions.

Instead, say, “I am getting a new car!” That simple wording allows you to start taking the steps right now toward that goal. Visualize it down to the color, the materials on the seats – and hear the roar of the engine.

When you think of your new car, smell that new car smell and go test drive the one you want to get a feel for it as you make it a reality for your life. Leave the negative disclaimers off of your thought process.

Don’t say, “I am getting a new car…as soon as I can afford it.” Forget that part! You ARE working on it as we speak. You’re making plans, shopping for the right interest rate, looking at dealerships, picking out add-on packages, and so on.

Don’t be afraid to put it out there to the Universe – to everyone you know. It’s not for accountability purposes, but so that you can make it a firm part of your everyday environment.

One way this helps you is to make you aware of opportunities. Part of why the Law of Attraction works so well for some people is because they’re tuned into their dreams and goals so whenever an opportunity presents itself, they don’t automatically dismiss it – they recognize it and evaluate how it can help them toward their goal.

You have to go over your entire life and plan for what you want the Law of Attraction to help you get. Do it as detailed as possible. Map it out in every aspect – your job, your finances, your relationships, your health, and so on.

You can’t ask for something to be given to you if you haven’t even thought about what you want. And knowing it in details – down to exact numbers, sizes, colors, and more – helps you find a way to get it instead of waving it off like a faraway dream.

I would love to hear all about your dreams and goals–and how they fit into the life you want to live! I also want to hear how you are working with the Law of Attraction to go from planning–to getting–the life you want. Share your thoughts and experiences with me in the comments section below!

Your partner in living the life you want,

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