About LifePlan

Everything in life began with a plan.

And that includes you.

My business is named LifePlan because of two things I believe:

  1. There’s a plan for your life.
  2. In order to accomplish anything in life, you first need to have a plan.

LifePlan Coaching & Consulting isn’t your typical life coaching and consulting business. LifePlan is a “wisdom business,” with a mission and vision to assist people in discovering the power they possess to transform their lives.

releasing-the-intention revisedLifePlan offers personal growth and development coaching as well as both career direction and career transition coaching services, blending both the conventional and the unconventional by incorporating tools such as dream analysis and intuitive readings.

LifePlan’s coaching and consulting methods approach life and work from a holistic (mind-body-spirit) perspective.

LifePlan is dedicated to helping people reinvent themselves, so they can live and work with their purpose, and successfully serve the world in their own unique way!

Who I Work With

business successI work with creatives, holistic and metaphysical practitioners, and aspiring coaches and consultants; people who are sole practitioners or service providers and want to become successful solopreneurs (also known as solo entrepreneurs).

I work with people who are skilled at what they do, but lack the business mindset to be able to achieve the financial abundance they desire doing the work they love.

These types of people want to work by and for themselves, having the freedom to do their own thing, and do it successfully—which I can relate to, being one myself.

In addition, I work with individuals who want to escape the jobs they escaping workhate and find or create the work they’re born to do; work that they love and is full of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

Again, these are people I can relate to, having left a corporate job when I discovered my own life purpose, which then became my service to the world, which is how I view my work.

This can pertain to people who choose to work for companies and corporations, as well as those who aspire to become solopreneurs.

With these individuals, our time together involves finding the work that is a perfect match and a good fit; it’s the work they’re well-suited for and is tailor-made for them.

How I Work

crystal clear visionI work with clients individually, meeting in-person, having conversations by phone or by Skype, as well as correspondence by e-mail between our regular sessions.

We work together for a period of four weeks, in which I guide them through the initial and implementation stages of their business.

During this period, we create a crystal clear vision of their work/business; uncover the hidden challenges that would keep them from getting what they want to achieve; and create the “next-steps” action plans for moving them into the next phase of their work or business.

tarot promo 6For some clients, I work with them in a single session, in which we focus on clarifying their life’s work and possible ways it can be expressed as service to the world.

In the course of the session, I work with them on cracking their “career code,” which reveals the talents they bring in this lifetime to use, as well as the core values they need for work to be satisfying and meaningful.

Another way I work with individuals is by using their dreams and the Tarot to bring clarity and insight into the various situations life brings us.

This work is conducted as individual sessions either in-person, or by phone or Skype; the dream work can also be conducted through e-mail.

No matter what we use, our one-on-one coaching and consulting work together will give you the tools, the strategies, and the support you need to transform your life, your career, and your personal well-being.

For More Information

I invite you to get in touch with me if you’d like to know more about me or about my work, and how I might be able to assist you in moving you forward in your life and especially in your work.

You can e-mail me, use the contact form below to message me, or contact me by phone at (843) 708-2199.

You can also check out my frequently asked questions page and my ethics and policies & procedures page to see if the answers to your questions might be posted there.

I look forward to connecting with you and the opportunity to partner with you!

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